
Alexander S. Davydov


Born December 26th, 1912, in Eupatoria, Crimea. Director Emeritus of Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Professor, Doctor of Sciences; Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences; International Academy of Quantum Molecular Sciences; Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanities (Paris).

Author of:

Theory of Absorption of Light by Molecular Crystals, Naukowa Dumka, Kiev (1951); Theory of Atomic Nuclei, Nauka, Moscow (1958); Theory of Molecular Excitons, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York (1962); Quantum Mechanics, a) Moscow (1963) and (1973), b) Pergamon Press (1965) and (1976), c) Tokio (1968) and (1969), d) Warsaw (1967) and (1969), e) Praha (1978) and (1981), f) Deutsche Verlag der Wiss. 1,2-7 Auflage (1967-1978); Theory of Solids, a)Moscow, Nauka 1980, b) In French, Mir, Moscow (1980), c) in Spanish, Mir, Moscow (1981); Theory of Molecular Excitons, Nauka, Moscow (1968), b) Plenum Press NY (1971); Solitons in Molecular Systems a) Naukovwa Dumka, Kiev (1984), b) D. Reidel Publ. Comp. Netherlands (1985) and (1991); Biology and Quantum Mechanics a) Naukowa Dumka, Kiev (1979), b) Pergamon Press (1982); Solitons in Bioenergetics, Naukowa Dumka, Kiev (1986); The Theoretical Investigation of High-Temperature Superconductivity, Physical Reports, 190, No. 4 and 5 (1990); High-Temperature Superconducitvity, Naukoaw Dumka, Kiev (1990).

Important Contributions:

Theory of absorption, scattering and dispersion of the light in molecular crystals. In 1948was predicted the phenomenon that is known as "Davydov splitting". Theory of collective excited states in spherical and non-sperical nuclei. It is known as "Davydov–Filppov Model" and "Davydov-Chaban Model" (1958–1960). Phenomenological and quantum statistical theory of propagation of light through crystal which take into account spatial dispersion and processes of relaxation (1970–74). The conception of molecular solitons to originally explained mechanism of muscle contraction of animals was applied (1973–1974). Theoretically studies the interaction of intramolecular excitations or excess electrons with autolocal breaking of the translational symmetry. These excitations are now known as "Davydov's solitons" (1978–1988). The dynamical properties of solitons such as the conditions for their formations and their nonlinear bisoliton theory of high-temperature superconductivity of ceramic compounds according to a bisoliton theory is developed (1988–1990). This theory allows one to explain: (a) The small correlatin radius of paired quasi-particles; (b) non-monotonic dependence of temperature of transition to a superconducting state on bisoliton concentration; (c) very small isotopic effect; (d) the energy gap and critical temperature change weakly with increasing the magnetic field and jump into zero in the field exceeding the critical value; (e) the theory of the dependence of a critical temperature versus a number square planar CuO2 layers in unit cells of the newest bismus and thallium superconductors is developed.

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