Erich Hückel
Born on September 9, 1896. Emeritus Professor of the University of Marburg.
Doctor honoris causa (Stuttgart, Uppsala), Otto-Hahn Price, Honorary Member of the International Hematology Section of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers.
Important Contributions:
Theory of electrolytes (with Debye): Phys. Zeit. 24, 185, 805 (1923). Quantum theory of the double bond, Z. fur Phys. 60, 423, (1930). Quantum theory of the benzene problem, Z. fur Phys. 70, 204, (1931); 72, 324 (1931); 76, 608 (1932). Fundamentals of the theory of non saturated compounds, Z. fur Elektrochemie 43, 752 (1937); 69, 866 (1957).
An obituary can be found at