Born March 12, 1939 in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Professor of Chemistry, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA.
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Member, US National Academy of Sciences (1986); Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1999); Czech Learned Society Honorary Member (1995), International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (1988), A.P. Sloan Fellow (1971–75), J. S. Guggenheim Fellow (1984–85), Watoc Fellow (1996), A. von Humboldt Senior US Scientist Award (1980), Inter-American Photochemical Society (1994), and Japan Society for Promotional Science (1998) Awards, Georgetown University (1990) and University of Pardubice (1996) Honorary Doctorates, ACS Utah Section (1986), Cope Scholar (1993), Kosolapoff (2000) and J.F. Norris (2001) Awards, Schrödinger (1993), Heyrovsky (1994), and Charles University (1995) Medals.