David M. Ceperley
Born: December 26, 1949 in Charleston West Virginia, USA
Founder Professor of Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email: ceperley@illinois.edu
WWW: external link
Tel: 217-244-0646
Center for Advanced Studies Professor (2009);
Founder Professor of Engineering (2006);
US National Academy of Science (2005);
Fellow, Institute of Physics UK(1999);
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1999);
Rahman Prize in Computational Physics of the American Physical Society (1998);
Feenberg Medal for Many-body Physics(1994);
Fellow: American Physical Society (1990).
Author of:
Important Contributions:
Development of quantum Monte Carlo methods such as variational Monte Carlo for fermions, diffusion Monte Carlo and Path Integral Monte Carlo.
Calculation of the correlation energy of the homogenous electron gas, providing basic input for density function calculations of electronic structure.
Development and application of path integral Monte Carlo methods for quantum systems at finite temperature, such as superfluid helium and discovery of the winding number formula for the superfluid density.
Development and application of methods to simulate hydrogen and helium under extreme conditions.