Wolfgang Domcke
Born February 17, 1948 in Munich, Germany
Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Chemistry,
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Web: external link
Copernicus Award (2008); Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2009);
Honorary PhD, Charles University (2012);
External member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2018);
Editor of Chemical Physics (Elsevier) 2003 – 2018.
Author of:
About 420 research papers in refereed journals of chemical physics and theoretical chemistry.
Conical Intersections: Electronic Structure, Dynamics and Spectroscopy
(Eds. W. Domcke, D. R. Yarkony and H. Köppel), World Scientific, Singapore, 2004
Conical Intersections: Theory, Computation and Experiment
(Eds. W. Domcke, D. R. Yarkony and H. Köppel), World Scientific, Singapore, 2011
Important Contributions:
Projection-operator theory of electron-molecule collisions and electron-driven chemistry
Ab initio vibronic coupling models for spectroscopy and photophysical dynamics
Role of conical intersections in photochemistry
Discovery of novel photochemical reaction mechanisms with ab initio excited-state electronic-structure calculations
Exploration of ultrafast nonadiabatic excited-state dynamics with quantum wave-packet
and quasi-classical trajectory methods
Theory of femtosecond time-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy
Proton-coupled electron transfer reactions and mechanistic aspects of solar water splitting