Born March 14, 1933 in Tarnow, Poland.
Professor of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
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International Academy of Quantum Science Award (1972); Weizmann Prize (1973); Bourke Lecturer, Faraday Division, Chemical Society (London) (1974); Rothschild Prize (1976); Kolthoff Prize (1976);Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology (USA) (1977); Falk Plaut Lecturer, Columbia University, New York, (USA) (1977); Israel Prize in Chemistry (1982); F. Stanley Kipping Visiting Professorship, University of Nottingham (England) (1983); The Wolf Prize in Chemistry (1988); The Honorary J. Heyrovsky Medal (1993); The Memorial R. Brdicka Lecture, Prague (1993); The August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Medal (1995); R.S. Mulliken Medal (1999); J.O. Hirschfelder Prize (1999); The Dupont Distinguished Lecture in Physical Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington (USA) (1994); The Flygare Memorial Lecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) (1994); The F. Kaufman Memorial Lectures, University of Pittsburgh (USA) (1994); Festschrift of the Journal of Physical Chemistry (1994); The Hinshelwood Lectures, Oxford University (England) (1995); The Aharon Katzir Memorial Lecture, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) (1995); The J. Musher Memorial Lecture, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel) (1995);The Spiers Memorial Lecture, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Division, England (1997); The C.N.R. Rao Distinguished Award Lecture, Bangalore, India (1999); The Robert S. Mulliken Lecture, University of Chicago, USA (1999); The Kolthoff Lecturer, University of Minnesota, USA (1999); The K.S. Pitzer Lecture, University of California, Berkeley, USA (1999); The J.O. Hirschfelder Lectures, University of Wisconsin, USA (1999); The Jean Perrin Lecture, Divisions of Chemical Physics, French Chemical and Physical Societies, France (2002); The Distinguished Malcolm Dole Lectures in Physical Chemistry.
Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (1985); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Pierre and Marie Curie University of Paris, France (1986); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University of Munich, Germany (1996); Member of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Foreign Member of the American Philosophical Society; Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters; Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences; Active Member of the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europeaea; Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina; Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy; Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America; Foreign Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences; Foreign Member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Life Member of the Chemical Research Society of India; Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei; Vice President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (1981-1986); President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (1986-95); International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry - Vice President (1996-97), President (1998-99).