
Todd J. Martinez


Born 22 March, 1968 in Amityville, New York

D. M. Ehrsam and E. C. Franklin Professor, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University and Professor of Photon Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2011), National Security Science and Engineering Faculty Fellow (2010), Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2006), Fellow of the American Physical Society (2005), MacArthur Fellow (2005), UIUC University Scholar (2004), Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar (2001), Packard Fellow in Science and Engineering (1999), Beckman Young Investigator (1999), Sloan Fellow (1999), Research Innovation Award (1998)

Author of:

more than 215 papers in theoretical chemistry, physical chemistry, and materials science.

Important Contributions:

  • Developed the ab initio multiple spawning (AIMS) method for first principles molecular dynamics on multiple electronic states. Established the role of charge transfer in photoisomerization. Demonstrated the effect of solvent environments on conical intersections. Pioneered the use of graphical processing units for electronic structure and ab initio molecular dynamics. Developed the tensor hypercontraction formalism to reduce scaling of electronic structure methods. Formulated the force modified potential energy surface for mechanochemistry.