Born April 19, 1971 in Paderborn, Germany.
Full Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
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CREATE Lecture Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw (2020); Credit Suisse Best Teaching Award (2018); Kapuy Lecture ELTE Budapest (2019); Löwdin Lecture Uppsala University (2018); ETH Golden Owl (2010); Outstanding Young German Awardee of the Lise Meitner-Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry in Jerusalem (2010); docent prize of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (2005); ADUC award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Universitätsprofessoren für Chemie for 2003; Emmy–Noether-Habilitationspreis 2003 of the University of Erlangen.
development of 4- and 2-component methods;
generalized Douglas–Kroll transformation;
arbitrary-order Douglas–Kroll-Hess Hamiltonians and property operators;
local exact decoupling of the Dirac Hamiltonian;
author of a key reference textbook
spin and spin state energetics in density functional theory;
development of ab initio multi-configurational methods (density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)) for the chemistry of strong correlation cases, automated active space selection, tensor network states) and contributions to dynamic correlation approaches (srDFT-DMRG, transcorrelated DMRG;
relativistic DMR;
pre-Born-Oppenheimer theory and Gaussian geminal;
interactive and haptic quantum chemistry;
Bayesian error estimation for quantum chemical models;
automated system-focused atomistic models with uncertainty quantification;
quantum computing for chemistry (rigorous resource estimates for demonstrating quantum advantage, efficient algorithms for electronic and vibrational structure)
development and application of methods for large molecules (focus on Raman spectroscopy, Raman optical activity, resonance Raman);
mode-tracking and intensity-tracking through subspace diagonalization method;
unitary transformations for the localization of normal modes;
matrix product states for anharmonic vibrational spectroscopy and quantum dynamics: vibrational DMRG and tangent-space TD-DMRG for molecule;
real-time spectroscop;
accurate picture-change-corrected relativistic calculation of molecular properties (e.g., contact densities for Moessbauer spectroscopy;
algorithms for autonomous massive chemical reaction space exploration under kinetic modeling and uncertainty quantificatio;
development and analysis of chemical concepts (intramolecular hydrogen bond descriptors, local spin, local vibrations, electron density studies, orbital and modal entanglement;
emerging molecular structure from (pre-Born-Oppenheimer) quantum theor;
computational elucidation of synthetic and biochemical catalytic processes